CIP - Cleaning In Place

CIP - Cleaning In Place


Optimal hygiene is a prerequisite in the drinks industry to ensure sustainably high quality and a long shelf life for the end product, regardless of whether the plant is producing beer, lemonade, mineral water / table water, fruit juices, wine or sparkling wine. The law demands design-specific optimised cleaning for all surfaces that come into contact with foods and beverages. This makes CIP-cleaning (cleaning in place) essential, in order to avoid dismantling a multitude of individual components.

Three ProMaqua methods used in this process are hygienic, efficient and safe, ensuring Smart Disinfection for your operation!

Smart Disinfection processes with

Benefits of Smart Disinfection with CIP

  • Low Impact - Extremely low waste water load
  • Less Cost - Energy saving as no need for hot water
  • High Efficiency - Optimised cleaning and disinfection

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